Requesting New RCIF Datasets
New dataset requests initiated on the Data Request Portal will be reviewed on a case by case basis, with the goal to provide maximum flexibility, manageability, and usefulness.
We will review all shared datasets at inception and on a yearly basis to determine whether they are useful (as measured by access and user demand) and should be included as RCIF shared datasets.
Here are the guidelines:
Any RCIF requests to download existing (e.g. published) datasets will be given a higher priority for inclusion, provided they have enough documentation to minimally support most use cases.
For those requesting to share derivatives of existing RCIF shared datasets, these derivative datasets will need to be created in the users' scratch (or paid storage), documented, and submitted for review. We can assist in dataset organization to maximize harmony with the existing dataset organization. If they are approved for sharing, we will move them to the RCIF location.