See the STAR project pageopen in new window. To use STAR, you’ll use the module tool.

You can see what versions are available by using:

[me@login01 ~]$ module avail star

------------------------------ /opt/modulefiles -------------------------------

Use "module spider" to find all possible modules and extensions.
Use "module keyword key1 key2 ..." to search for all possible modules matching
any of the "keys".

To load a specific version, you would use:

[me@login01 ~]$ module load star/2.7.11a

while the "star" wildcard will load the default version, star-2.7.11a in this case.

You should now be able to run STAR commands:

[me@login01 ~]$ /export/star/2.7.11a/bin/Linux_x86_64_static/STAR
Usage: STAR  [options]... --genomeDir /path/to/genome/index/   --readFilesIn R1.fq R2.fq
Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference (c) Alexander Dobin, 2009-2022

STAR version=2.7.11a
STAR compilation time,server,dir=2023-08-15T11:38:34-04:00 :/home/dobin/data/STAR/STARcode/STAR.master/source
For more details see:

To list all parameters, run STAR --help