We support a variety of software on the RCIF HPC cluster
- afni
- amber
- ants
- apptainer
- cmake
- cuda
- cudnn
- dbus
- dcmtk
- dramms
- elastix
- fastqc
- ffmpeg
- freesurfer
- fsl
- gate
- gcc
- geant4
- go
- greedy
- intel
- itk-snap
- Jupyter Notebook
- matlabcompilerruntime
- matlabinteractive
- matlabparallelserver
- moose
- mpich
- mricron
- mvapich2
- node.js
- octave
- openmpi
- openslide
- pandoc
- perl
- plink
- python
- r
- root
- singularity
- star
- subread
- trimmomatic
- Visual Studio Code
- vnc-remotedesktop
- workbench